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  • Approved by the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services, this course fulfills the two (2) range qualifications on a firing range every twelve (12) months and at least four (4) months apart for applicants to maintain their Exposed Firearms Permit.
  • This class includes the 2 hours required refresher course and firearm requalification.
  • Applicants must qualify with the caliber of weapon listed on the Firearms Permit.
  • Additional Calibers: $25.00 each.
Note: Rental of Firearms, holster and ammunition for use during training is available. Contact us if you need a firearm and equipment to use.


We realize that plans change and things come up at the last minute that may cause you to miss class. If you are unable to attend your scheduled class, a 72 Hour Notice of Cancellation is required to roll your class payment over into the next class. Failure to notify VIP within the 72 hour cancellation period will result in the loss of the class payment. Only one rollover allowed and must be used within 3 months. Failure to attend your rollover class will result in the loss of the class payment. The payment may be applied to any VIP class. All sales are final.
All our training classes are non refundable.
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